It was all too nifty to be true: the editing, the "plot", the "performances." So people began speculating that it was some viral-marketing technique (used to promote a new TV series, or an autumn film release).
Deployed through the web, utilizing the fast and vast reach of a popular online video community, engaging the audience with social webspace (Lonelygirl15 also has a MySpace profile), the "Lonelygirl15" project intrigued many. Is she real? Are web videos and social websites the new frontiers in collaborative marketing/PR trickery?
In it, Adam states that the whole Lonelygirl15 incident might possibly mark the birth of a new art-form: concept pieces initiated and created by both the artist and the audience that contain myriad realities spreading and spanning various interactive platforms on the web (blogs, videos sites, forums, friendsters/MySpace etc.)
Example: Think of a version of "Lost" (with an innumerous amount of characters and links in the narrative) where the content is NOT delivered to you, but instead, unearthed through your search and clicks through related webspace.
The people behind Lonelygirl15, are actually a bunch of experimental filmmakers. And in the open letter to the people who have followed her YouTube exploits, they wrote: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Right now, the biggest mystery of Lonelygirl15 is "who is she?" We think this is an oversimplification. Lonelygirl15 is a reflection of everyone. She is no more real or fictitious than the portions of our personalities that we choose to show (or hide) when we interact with the people around us. Regardless, there are deeper mysteries buried within the plot, dialogue, and background of the Lonelygirl15 videos, and many of our tireless and dedicated fans have unearthed some of these. There are many more to come. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Basically, she felt it was all a bit more fun when we were all groping in the dark.
Ahhh...Excitement...Thy name is Imagination :)
Via clicks and keyboard dances, we hope to find actual people we can relate to. It's a laughable fantasy of course, critics of the inherent weaknesses of web communication would say.
"......most of us are probably deep in delusion, ignorant and oblivious, with undetectable blindspots, and a sensitivity more prone to stimulation than true sensing. there are constructed realities, obstinate subjectivities, that divide us in subjugation to our own lonely perceptions. man is essentially alone; without sublimity we should all hurtle along like lemmings. throw me an epiphany soon, i pray."
I didn't realize you were married. Congratulations. Thanks. I got married three months ago.
Wow. I can't believe you got married in the middle of all this. I kind of can't either, but I did.
You have lots of teen girl fans. These girls have posted thousands of videos on YouTube of them interviewing you after concerts, and they're so obviously in love with you and also very young. How do you handle that? Does it get tricky? Generally not. The social gap is big enough that people keep to their side of their line. The videos you're talking about are posted because we have these fan correspondents for every show, and it's not always teen girls, by the way. I think of it like giving them a jungle gym. When I was at my most vehement in listening to music, I leapt from album to album, and when I ran out of Pixies albums, it was just a drag. It was a drag to reach the end of the jungle gym.
But this is a significantly changed music world. I assume most people don't care about what a fifteen-year-old girl is going to ask me, because usually they ask me what my favorite food is and what my favorite color is, and these questions that are completely uninteresting and really have no answers. But it provides an infinite netherworld to go hunting in.
Here It Goes Again By: Ok Go ------------------------ It could be ten, but then again, I can't remember half an hour since a quarter to four. Throw on your clothes, the second side of Surfer Rosa, And you leave me with my jaw on the floor.
Just when you think (think) you're in control, Just when you think (think) you've got a hold, Just when you get on a roll, Here it goes, here it goes, here it goes again. Oh, here it goes again. I should have known, should have known, should have known again, But here it goes again. Oh, here it goes again.
It starts out easy, something simple, something sleazy, Something inching past the edge of reserve. Now through lines of the cheap venetian blinds Your car is pulling off of the curb.
Just when you think you're in control, Just when you think you've got a hold, Just when you get on a roll, Here it goes, here it goes, here it goes again. Oh, here it goes again. I should have known, should have known, should have known again, But here it goes again. Oh, here it goes again.
I guess there's gotta be a break in the monotony, But Jesus, when it rains how it pours. Throw on your clothes, the second side of Surfer Rosa, And you leave me, yeah, you leave me.
Oh, here it goes, here it goes, here it goes again. Oh, here it goes again. I should have known, should have known, should have known again, But here it goes again. Oh, here it goes again.
....all monsters and dust, with everything priced above its proper value. I think you will tire first, all the same."
--- Lord Henry, "The Picture of Dorian Gray", Oscar Wilde