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Saturday, April 09, 2005

A Wicked Tale

"A WICKED TALE is a 45 minute independent film written and directed by award winning filmmaker Tzang Merwyn Tong (e'Tzaintes, 2003). The experimental thriller can be described as a psycho-erotic re-imagination of the Little Red Riding Hood story. It relates a little girl's fascination with the forbidden and deals with the theme of seduction and manipulation.

Tickets were sold out when the film made its World Premiere at the 34th International Film Festival Rotterdam early this year. The movie has since traveled to Berlin where it had two very successful underground screenings -- one at the Haus Der Kulturen der Welt (House of World Cultures) and the other at Potsdam Babelsberg. The movie stars Evelyn Maria Ng (from the Lightyears TV series) and Swedish Rock Musician Johan Ydstrand (Bleached). It will make its Asian Premiere at the 18th Singapore International Film festival."
--- INRI studio

The word "Gothic" came to mind very quickly after I watched the trailer of "A Wicked Tale" on Tzang's website. But I guess "Psycho-erotic" is a much more fascinating and intriguing description.

Tzang, aka Mister T.M.T, and I actually had a creative rendevous back in summer 2004. He was working on a "secret" new publication with Ebobolonghairdo (for the wicked new urban generation) and I did a few concept shoots for them.

The idea of that "secret" new publication was to have...have...well, I can't say more, because of a promise I made to Ebobolonghairdo and Tzang.

But what I can say is, I wish the "restricted, artistic" project will take off someday. And when that day comes, Mister T.M.T, Ebobolonghairdo, Missy-JauneLoupe, me, and The-Sweet-155, will be reunited in playful glory.

On a totally unrelated note, let me tell you what happened in 1976.

That was the year Liz Lexington had her photo taken while she sipped on something probably as smooth and cool as herself.

That was also the year the Chinese Physician Training College registered with the Singapore Ministry of Education, and became known as the
Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

So what's up with 1976, the Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ms Liz Lexington and me? Well, the dots don't exactly connect in a haphazardly beautiful manner like a Murakami novel.

I justed wanted to tell the world :::: [like Tzang did with his baby, "A Wicked Tale"]

Please watch my show!

Episode 2 of "TCM: A New Paradigm" is scripted, directed and produced by yours truly, in collaboration with Yellowstone Productions. So is Episode 4.

Ep 2 airs on 23 April 2005, Sat, 9.30pm. Please tune in if you want to know more about what Chinese medicine can do for ladies with breast illnesses and menstrual problems.

Ep 4 airs on 7 May 2005, Sat, 9.30pm. Tune in, if you want to find out about male prostate and infertility issues.

Meanwhile, the pilot for the series "TCM: A New Paradigm" will go on air on the 16 April, 2005, yes, at 9.30pm.

So although the "restricted artistic" project has gone on hold indefinitely for me and Tzang, we've moved on to other things and found our own definitions of joy and success.

I'll see you at the screening, Mister T.M.T, if my post production schedule permits. ; ]


At 12:27 AM, Blogger hong said...

hey ho. i watched love me if you dare when it was playing in theatres. and i never forgot it. (:
all the best, God bless.


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